Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sea World San Diego Expnasion

I have an idea for a new expansion for Sea World San Diego. To me Sea World San Diego lacks the adventure that the other parks contain. I have came up with the solution of creating a brand new parking structure that will hold over 10,000 vehicles which will mean we can take off some of the parking lot that was taking up too much room. Still the main parkin lot will remain for specieal events, holidays, and seasonal events. We are planning on adding a new coaster called "Manta", a new flying coaster which is inspired from the new Orlando ride. Also a new attraction called, "Discovery Lab" which is an interactive lab with hands on expirements and fututre plans for the Earth. Inside is a hude dome theatre which will be showing, "Operation Earth" which is a movie on hpw to conserve and save uor Earth. Another new ride is, "Under the Sea Voyage" an incidble ride for all ages that includes many salt wtaer aquariums and very incridble animitronics that mimic the main sea animals of Sea World. Also a new stadium will hold the new "Mistify" show that we be the same as the one from Orlando. Also the Coco Loco Arcade will be removed and a new "Sesame Street" ride which will be an interactive learning ride that inludes 6 interactive games. Many popular scenes will be seen in the ride including "Elmo's World" and "Big Bird's Nest". The Coco Loco Arcade will be moved to the new part of the park. The forbidden reef will also be moved to the exit of Manta. I have not yet decided what would be replacing the old "Forbbiden Reef". Also all new scenes will be added to Shipwreck Rapids to sceme as if Pirates have tooken over the island. In the old Forbidden Reef will be the new "Diving Dolphins" free fall ride that is a 10 story drop.

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